In most cases, we can provide you with an estimate on the same day. All estimates are FREE and No Obligation.
We are able to finish most decommissions in less than a day. If you have an exceptionally large industrial project, it might take a bit longer. We’ll give you an estimate of how long your project will take to complete when we come out.
Not in every instance. We’ll give you all the options after surveying your property so you can decide for yourself if tank removal is right for you.
Soil remediation projects will vary depending on how much soil has been contaminated and the location of the tank. We’ll give you an estimate of how long your project will take to complete when we come out.
We’ll collect soil samples from around your tank and send them to a lab for testing. Once results are in, we’ll be able to confirm whether or not your tank is leaking and needs to be removed, or whether you can decommission it in place.
Yes! We have the capacity to handle large corporate and industrial tank decommissions, and we’re even able to coordinate with the fire department to ensure that everything happens in a timely fashion with no waiting on your end.
PLIA is a Washington State agency that can assist you with cleanup and upgrades related to underground storage tanks. You’ll need to register for assistance, and more information can be found on their website:
Not always!In many instances, we can perform tank decommissioning / removals as well as other projects without the homeowner present. without the homeowner present. If we do need access to your home, it would be discussed prior to starting the job and usually takes less than an hour. We’re more than happy to work with your schedule.
It really depends on your particular project, but in most instances we can get you scheduled the same week we receive your proposal back. When we come out to give you your estimate, we’ll give you a firm timetable.
Just give us a call at 206-244-8020 or send us an email—we’re happy to help!